Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Annual White House Easter Egg Roll

My timeliness of this posting is not so hot considering this event was the day after Easter. Regardless, it is still worthy of a 'post'. As mentioned earlier, I camped out for tickets to the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, and it was well worth it. Despite Ava's young age, it was a lot of fun. Although there were a variety of activities on the lawn; face painting, story telling, magic shows, entertainment (including the Jonas Brothers for all you preteens out there), Easter egg hunt, Easter maze, Easter egg roll and much more - I will say that Ava's favorite activity was simply walking around the White House lawn with a yellow crayon she swiped from the bunny-ear hat coloring booth. She was everywhere with that crayon as seen in the picture (please revert your eyes from the large derriere in the middle of the pic).

However, the highlight of my day was Ava's participation in the Easter egg roll - notice the man snatching the egg out of Ava's hand before she was able to actually cross the finish line. In his defense, you can see others lined up and waiting for us to finish before they blew the whistle - they sure did file people through. It sure was fun!

As you can see, Ava wasn't so fond of some of the visitors, like Strawberry Shortcake.
...Hmm, maybe one day... I've got a handsome husband if I do say so myselfIt's nice to see that some secret service have spirit Not that way Ava, or you just may get pounced by security but there's so much to see, and so much to do....isn't that life?!


Laura said...

How cool is it that the white house is in the back of all your pictures...someday maybe we will make it on a trip out to DC and be able to see all the cool stuff you guys do and see on a regular basis! Also there is just something about crayons-Max discovered them this last weekend and they are pretty much all he wants to play with now.

Anonymous said...

Oh man- that is soooo cool. I'm glad you got the tickets after camping out overnight for them. You guys have such cool things to do out there- I'm so jealous.

Melanie said...

how fun!! I love DC! When are we going to see you guys again?

skyapie-a and dave said...

You guys are so cute! That is the best set of pictures.