Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Woo-hoo...I'm blogging!

Yes, it's the first time for me to "blog"! Doug is the one that set this all up (goodness, over 6 months ago) and as you can see we haven't posted much. Doug's theory for my delay in posting is that the perfectionist in me is expecting too much that I end up being overwhelmed and put what is to be the 'grand and absolutely amazing entry' aside...again and again and again. As well, I was talking to my friend Laura the other day and to my surprise she was surprised that I wasn't getting into the whole blogging experience. It hadn't dawned on me that since I had worked in a computer lab in college I might be on top of and into this type of technology...which obviously hasn't been the case. However, her reaction has given me a more positive outlook of my abilities to get bloggin'. So, here I am admitting that Doug is probably right about my perfectionism and forewarning all our devout readers (HA!) that my 'grand and absolutely amazing entries' will most likely be 'not so grand entries'....but heck, it goes anyhow.

Just to get me used to blogging I'm actually going to post a number of photos/videos/entries to catch you up on these past 6+ months...and for your viewing pleasure. WOO-HOO...I'm bloggin!