Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's about time....

I know, I know...I haven't been the best at keeping up on my say the least. However, I'm back, whether that be good or bad I'll leave it up to you to decide. I stopped posting last summer because I was so ill with my pregnancy and didn't have much of a break with my little one at my side. Goodness, she was lucky if she got to go outside during that time and it showed, especially when she would get excited to see a tree when we walked outside...pathetic I know. Fortunately, that passed and we played as much as we could outdoors. Needless to say, Ava is a very active little girl full of energy and life. However, now it is winter and we are stuck inside once again and to top it off we have a little one that keeps us indoors vs venturing out in the frigid cold. Poor Ava. Yep, for those of you who didn't know, Toren was born Jan. 5th and was a whoppin' 10 lbs 3 oz and 22 1/2 in long. Doug's got his lit'l linebacker....and myself...well, I'm busy and enjoying it. Ava absolutely loves the little tyke, granted, she's adjusting like any toddler needs to and in the middle of the "twos" (I won't say terrible - though they are at times - they sure are exciting times too...the "twos").

Anyhow, I'll spare the detailed update of the year and leave you with some pictures and highlights.